BONFIRE NIGHT Memories of fun and firework down the years in Bolton

FRIDAY is Bonfire Night, a night which has always had a special place in many a youngsters heart over the years.

These days, organised bonfires are a much more enjoyable - and safer - way to enjoy things but as a delve into our archives shows, in days gone by there was almost as much excitement attached to building your own bonfire as to enjoying the night itself.

From the post war years spare areas of land were perfect sites for bonfires. Each street would often have their own bonfire and gangs of youngsters would start scouring the area for weeks in advance to find wood and unwanted items which would burn well.

Who canĂ¢€™t remember fondly the anticipation of the loud bangs and superb colourful displays in the night sky?

Many an adult can probably share a few tales of going on bonfire raids and guarding their own bonfires as planks, old doors and unwanted furniture was stacked up.

Building the perfect bonfire was something of an art form but please stay safe when building them high.

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