Watchdog Uganda

Watchdog Uganda Latest News in Uganda and the rest of East African Region, Daily news and business from Uganda.Mon, 09 Aug 2021 09:34:46 +0000en-GB hourly 1 Uganda 3232Uganda Police: Don’t ask us where Lumbuye is because we don’t have him in custody Mon, 09 Aug 2021 09:34:46 +0000 Police have revealed that Turkey-based Ugandan blogger Fred Lumbuye is not in their custody.

While addressing the media on Monday, the force’s spokesperson Fred Enanga said that they however have 15 cases that they will bring against the controversial blogger once he is handed over to them.

“We don’t have Lumbuye but what we have are 15 case files against him. Don’t ask us if he is here or not because we don’t know but as soon as he is handed over to us we are ready, ” Enanga said.

“When he is handed over to us, we shall come out with the full statement. Whether he is in the country or not, as police once he is handed over to us we shall process him with the 15 file cases we have on him,” he added.

The prepared charges he said, include among others spreading harmful propaganda and terrorism videos, inciting violence and other cyber crimes.

Lumbuye was allegedly arrested last Wednesday in Turkey.

Following the development, the State Minister for Foreign Affairs Henry Okello Oryem, confirmed to journalists at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs offices in Kampala last Friday that the plane transporting Lumbuye was expected to land the following day at Entebbe International Airport before he is charged with promoting sectarianism and instigating violence.

However, despite the Minister’s confirmation about Lumbuye’s deportation, the blogger is yet to be seen anywhere in Uganda.

]]>ARTHUR D. MUSINGUZI: Uganda’s Startup Ecosystem has Potential for Growth Mon, 09 Aug 2021 09:08:39 +0000 are positively aggressive and have a determined nature for entrepreneurship. With the right investment and partnership opportunities I strongly believe Ugandans will be able to grow and scale their businesses.

In fact I was very happy when I closely followed a promising program dubbed Next Innovation with Japan (NINJA) Accelerator Uganda meant to take high growth startups to the next level of business growth to attract investment worth US$0.5m that will be implemented by The Innovation Village, Hive Collab and Outbox launched on 6th August, 2021.

The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2019/2020 ranked Uganda one of the most entrepreneurial countries in the world with 30% of Ugandans starting businesses annually. In the United States of America and Japan, that figure stands at 7% and 11%.

In 2020, the President of Uganda, H.E Yoweri Museveni took off time and listed fish farming, shoe making, vegetable oil extraction, and maize milling as the top areas youth should engage in to get themselves out of poverty. He added that government has played its role of creating a number of initiatives aimed at giving youth loans and startup capital to get them out of poverty, but most of them are lazy and want free things. So to transform this narrative, we the youth have to embrace risks and be part of the startup owners.

Knowing the struggles these startups face, we must collaborate with one another and work together with the government, private sector, investors and customers for whom we are innovating. Let’s put in place incentives for startups to thrive, facilitate one another to refine their business model, tackle the actual market challenges, put in place the right teams of expertise to grow cash flow and raise capital.

I believe With this, the sky will certainly not even be the limit towards the growth of Uganda’s ecosystem.

]]>Government should account for Lumbuye’s whereabouts since they claim to have him- NUP’s Joel Ssenyonyi Mon, 09 Aug 2021 08:27:37 +0000 Unity Platform (NUP) Spokesperson Joel Ssenyonyi has put government on spot to account for the whereabouts of controversial blogger Fred Lumbuye.

Lumbuye was allegedly arrested last Wednesday in Turkey.

Following the development, the State Minister for Foreign Affairs Henry Okello Oryem, confirmed to journalists at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs offices in Kampala last Friday that the plane transporting Lumbuye was expected to land the following day at Entebbe International Airport before he is charged with promoting sectarianism and instigating violence.

However, despite the Minister’s confirmation about Lumbuye’s deportation, the blogger is yet to be seen in Uganda.

Now Ssenyonyi says since Uganda government officials were aware of Lumbuye’s trip back to the East African country and said they would hold him for questioning on return, they should account for his whereabouts.

“Three days ago, Foreign Affairs State Minister Henry Okello Oryem at a press conference said that political activist Fred Lumbuye was on a flight to Uganda having been deported by Turkey, and that on arrival, Uganda police would hold him and produce him in court to answer certain charges which charges he didn’t mention. It’s been three days since Fred was expected in the country but he hasn’t surfaced anywhere. Now that Uganda government officials were aware of the trip and said they would hold him for questioning on return, they should account for his whereabouts,” Ssenyonyi who is also the Nakawa West legislator said in a Facebook post on Monday.

He also explained why NUP leaders and supporters have been speaking out loud demanding for Lumbuye’s freedom.

” Some people have wondered why our leaders and supporters have spoken out loudly about Lumbuye. As NUP, we’re duty bound to speak out whenever anyone’s rights are violated. We even demanded that the rights of Sipapa be respected when he was arrested and detained incommunicado for days, even when last year he fired bullets at the gate of NUP offices in Kamwokya and injured one of our guards.We shall not tire until the rights of all Ugandans are respected.”

]]>Minisita Babalanda aweze okukwata abakozesa elinnya lye okufera abantu okubafunira emirimu mu offiisi ya Pulezidenti Mon, 09 Aug 2021 08:00:30 +0000 we nsonga z’obwaPulezidenti Milly Babirye Babalanda alidde mu ttama n’awera okufafagaana n’ekibinja kyabantu bagamba nti bano beefunyiridde okunyaga bannaUganda nga babasuubiza okubafunira emirimu mu offiisi y’obwaPulezidenti.

Babalanda agamba nti kino kiddiridde ye kenyini okufuna obubaka obuyitirivu okuva mu bantu nga bamutegeeza nga bwe waliwo ekibinja kya bantu abeeyita abakola mu offiisi ye nga bano bagenda bajja ku banaabwe ensimbi mu lukujjukujju nga babalimba nti bagenda kubafunira emirimu emisava omuli obwa RDC ne milala.

Asuubira nti abagenda okwetoloolerako obunyazi buno mulimu abakunzi be kibiina kya NRM okwetoloola e Ggwanga, Bannabyabufuzi abaagwa mu kalulu akaggwa, Abakozi ba Gavumenti abawummula ne bannaby’abusuubuzi.

Bano abalabudde obutagwa mu katego k’ababbi mu kiseera kino baanoonya okukwata nga tebannanyaga nnyo.

Ono era ataddewo e nnamba za masimu ge eri oyo yenna alina kyamanyi ku muntu eyamusaba ensimbi wakati mu kumusuubiza ekifo kyonna mu offiisi ye 0772342782 ne 0754269719.

“Essimu ezo zonna zange era nze nekwatira teri mulala munkubire tulwanyise obuyaye obwagala okuyingira mu Offiisi y’omukulembeze we Ggwanga, kubanga teri mulimu gwe tugaba nga omuntu amaze kuwaayo nguzi tugoberera busobozi, era abo bonna bajjiddwako ensimbi mujje mumbuulire baani abazibajjako tubakwate bavunanibwe” Babalanda bwe yategezezza.

Era Minisita yatongozza e Nnamba ye ssimu 0800320320 etali yakusasulira eri oyo yenna eyetaaga obuyambi okuva mu offiisi ye naddala abalina kye baagala okwogerako naye ku nsonga z’okutuusa obuwereza obulungi mu bantu ba wansi.

]]>EXPOSED: Former MPs accused of asking for bribes from owners of Departed Asians properties Mon, 09 Aug 2021 07:57:03 +0000 Members of Parliament on committee on Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (COSASE) are being accused by city landlords of witch-hunt in the ongoing row involving properties of Departed Asians.

According to Eagle Online news website, the new MPs are finding it hard in implementing some of the resolutions passed by the former legislators as some have allegedly asked for money from current owners of the properties in order to be removed from the list of those they claim acquired buildings fraudulently.

The local news outlet says the current COSASE leadership is supposed to carry on from where their colleagues stopped but it is becoming hard to do so because the former legislators are a hindrance to any move.

COSASE is one of the four accountability committees of parliament mandated to examine the audited accounts by the auditor general detailing the appropriation of government funds to different commissions, authorities and enterprises.

COSASE instituted a sub-committee led by the committee vice chairman (former Makindye East MP) Ibrahim Kasozi. Kasozi’s sub-committee was supposed to investigate allegations that several properties of departed Asians had been repossessed despite their full compensation by the government. However, the owners of the properties protested the allegations saying they are the rightful owners as they have genuine documents.

The Kasozi sub-committee in their report indicated that some Asians have reclaimed properties that were fully compensated by the government, while other Asians claim that they weren’t paid.

However, allegations have surfaced indicating that the former COSASE sub-committee legislators that was headed by Kasozi has continued to interest themselves in the probe with allegations that they are using the report to extort money from the owners of the properties across the country.

Another entity that has been drawn into the allegations of extortion is the Departed Asian Property Custodian Board (DAPCB) that sources say is using their last chance in office to reclaim some of the cleared properties.

“These chaps are trying to claim what isn’t theirs and this can been seen from the speed at which they are claiming cleared properties. However, we are glad that we have a sane Attorney General this time who won’t allow fraudsters to torture genuine owners of the properties” said a source.

Recently the Solicitor General warned DAPCB Executive Secretary George Bizibu and Finance Minister Matia Kasaija not to interfere in matters regarding Asian properties.

Early this year, Parliament learnt that there had been fraud in the management of the properties of the Asians who were expelled from Uganda in 1972 by the late President Idi Amin.

In a report presented by Kasozi, it was discovered that there were irregularities in management, compensation and repossession of properties owned by the departed Asians.

The Asians, after their expulsion left behind property, which included businesses, stock and real estate. Some of the property was repossessed yet owners had been fully compensated by the government of Uganda.

The Committee established that in 1977, talks between the Uganda government and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees were held in Entebbe to discuss compensation of property left behind by departed Asians.

“In this meeting, it was agreed that land was not compensable under Ugandan law since it was owned by Ugandans. Buildings over 10 years were regarded as amortized and only buildings five years or newer were to be valued and compensated at the 1972 market value,” Kasozi said.

He added that it was therefore, established that part of the compensation to the departed Asians had been paid by the government in 1976 with shs13.4 million paid to the Indian government.

Kasozi noted that through the UNHCR, Uganda agreed to pay shs40.4 million as compensation to persons of undetermined nationality for assets left in Uganda. According to the Committee, for years, the board has had issues ranging from failure to effectively supervise the activities of the secretariat to outright corruption and negligence.
“Although Section 5 (1) of the Assets of Departed Asians Act mandates the board to sit at least once every month, the six ministers on the board are always too busy to meet and have not done so for 10 years,” the report stated in part.

The committee report added that some properties had ended up in the hands of unscrupulous individuals who had then transferred the same to bona-fide purchasers for value without notice.
“At compilation of the report, a total of 119 former Asian owners had been compensated to a tune shs1.765 billion,” the report adds.

Kasozi said that most fraud relating to expropriated properties was propagated through the powers of attorney with certain individuals being at the centre of such fraudulent dealings.

“People like Mohammed Alibhai went to countries like Canada where these Asians are, obtained generic powers of attorney, processed repossessions, fraudulently obtained certificates of repossession from the Board and went on to manage or even owned the properties in issue to the determent of the real owners who would never enjoy the benefit or repossession,” he said.

The Committee recommended among others that fraudulently acquired repossession certificates be cancelled and reverted to the government.
”The perpetrators should be prosecuted and repossessions whose former owners did not physically return to manage the properties as required by law should be cancelled,” Kasozi added.

Theodore Ssekikubo (NRM, Lwemiyaga County) concurred with the report saying that the fraudsters must be arrested.

“The late Idi Amin paid for these properties fully. These fraudsters however forged the documents and took the properties.The Custodian Board has outlived its usefulness and those culpable should be charged,” Ssekikubo said.

Budadiri West MP, Nathan Mafabi backed that the Board should be dissolved.
“We should direct that the Board is closed, the people working in it are arrested and taken to Luzira Maximum Prison because they are stealing public property,” he stated.

]]>OFWONO OPONDO: Kabaka Ronald Mutebi, Ugandans need no Favours from You Mon, 09 Aug 2021 07:29:34 +0000 House described last week’s meeting between President Yoweri Museveni and Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi as a “courtesy call” in which they shared “pleasantries and matters of mutual interest for the development of Buganda and Uganda”. Unfortunately, the meeting came against the subdued and angry tone by Mutebi and his sidekick, Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga over the proposed amendment to the extortionist feudal Mailo land system. It’s sad though not strange, that Mengo leaders are opposing the proposals even before reading the contents.

So, between the lines, the meeting couldn’t have been mere courtesy when Mutebi said in Nkoni, Masaka recently that the Baganda were being hospitable and accommodative to ‘allow’ other Ugandans settle in Buganda. This statement, views Ugandans as aliens or refugees in their own country contrary to established laws that a Ugandan is free to live wherever they choose. While being pragmatic and flexible is good for leadership, President Museveni’s magnanimity is letting the feudalists at Mengo overload other Ugandans which may cause an eruption whose full repercussion may be difficult to foresee.

The Mengo clique and their descendants, alongside Anglican, Catholic and Muslim religious sects, who benefitted when colonialism expropriated to them land from which they have extorted both in cash and kind from tillers, turned serfs and tenants, have been fighting rearguard wars to keep the archaic Mailo system intact. Ugandans have silently observed a sad trend in intransigence from the Mengo elite that falsely passes for a state within Uganda. Often, one concludes un-mistakenly that something is amiss, except, in the mind of the clique, which believes that Ugandans collectively owe them a debt.

Therefore, last Saturday’s subdued, if not angry tone from Mutebi at his 28th anniversary on a diminished throne in Masaka, was a rude reminder that he falsely believes that his group are doing the rest of Uganda a favour in being an integral part. Mengo leaders past and present are of course mistaken and will not bring the rest of Uganda to its knees through arrogance. From a historical perspective, the sooner they understood this fact, however bitter, the better for them.

Without repeating much of what Mutebi uttered, they should be reminded that it was the Mengo clique that collaborated with colonialists to subjugate and expropriate the wealth of other areas, of which Bunyoro, Busoga and Bugisu are examples. To the contrary, Ankole, left the Baganda fleeing earlier succession and religious wars to settle in Isingiro, Kabula, Mawogola, Igara, Kitagwenda and Bunyaruguru.

Mutebi was disingenuous when he questioned why so much focus is on the land system in Buganda. The bitter truth is that in much of Buganda, Mailo land titles have been used mostly by Baganda elites to cheat their own people, family members inclusive, and land is often sold off without due regard to bona fide occupants. Nowhere else is this system abused than in Buganda.

Few Ugandans begrudge Mengo for demanding its so-called ebyaffe, even though we know that much of what is claimed may not be legitimate, often exaggerated, duplicated, and what they receive is taken by the few within the clique around the Kabaka, and doesn’t benefit majority Baganda in whose name they purport to speak. By claiming that Mailo land system is cultural to Buganda, Mutebi is admitting that subjugation, dispossession, and exploitation that was crystalised by the 1900 Buganda Agreement is normal which should be accepted simply because it benefits the clique at Mengo and the few elites.

Mutebi’s mindset is false ingratiation that his so-called kingdom, even in its diminished form is something useful, merely because Ugandans, have been so accommodative to Mengo’s insatiable greed for easy wealth. Clearly, Mutebi and his sidekicks are giving the proverbial kicks of a dying horse because it isn’t possible for them to turn back the wheels of history in their lope-sided favour.

It’s necessary to remind the tribal chauvinists that Buganda is an integral part of an independent Uganda with democratically elected leaders, and many of them aren’t part of that leadership, although they enjoy some recognition on account of an old relic of a tradition. All Ugandans irrespective of status are equal shareholders in Uganda. Every Ugandan who reside, live, work or own property in Buganda does so on the basis of the law and cannot be treated to the favours of the Mengo establishment.

From the religious wars of the 19 Century which toppled Muteesa I Mukabya Walugembe, Kiweewa Nnyonyintono, Kalema Muguluma in quick session and installed Kabaka Mwanga, there has been a consistent pattern in Mengo leadership of not bothering to learn any useful lessons from events that shape their immediate world.

Some of these historical events include the 1899 deportation of Kabaka Mwanga to the Seychelles, Kabaka Freddie Edward Muteesa II to Britain (1953), Uganda’s independence in 1962, attack and abolition of Kabakaship (1966), and Muteesa’s eventual death in exile 1969. And so the disguised sounds of war drums emanating from no less Kabaka Mutebi, Katikiro Mayiga and others are attempts at blackmail which must be repudiated.

The author is the Spokesperson of the government of Uganda

]]>Bad Black attacks Minister Oryem for lying to Ugandans about Lumbuye’s deportation Mon, 09 Aug 2021 06:58:51 +0000 Shanita Namuyimbwa famously known as Bad Black has attacked State Minister for Foreign Affairs Henry Okello Oryem for lying to Ugandans about the repatriation of controversial blogger Fred Lumbuye.

Lumbuye was allegedly arrested earlier last week in Turkey.

Minister Oryem, told journalists at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs offices in Kampala last Friday that the plane transporting Lumbuye was expected to land the following day at Entebbe International Airport before he is charged with promoting sectarianism and instigating violence.

Despite the Minister’s confirmation about Lumbuye’s deportation, the blogger is yet to land in the East African country.

Now disappointed Bad Black has asked the minister to apologize to Ugandans for lying to them.

“Dear Hon . Okello Oryem sir on behalf of all Ugandan we deserve a conference apology coz lie s a big sin … so help nxt generation to walk n truth ðŸ'ª also we need you to apologize for the panic you caused n people including sleepless night let’s serve justice ðŸ'ªYours faithfully
Badblackuganda Namuyimbwa aka Masolo queen ur future in-law towakana abana zadde nvuumulo,” Bad Black said in a Facebook post over the weekend.

]]>Deadly fighting erupts between rival factions of Riek Machar party Mon, 09 Aug 2021 06:25:16 +0000 fighting erupted Saturday between rival factions of South Sudanese Vice President Riek Machar’s SPLA-IO after his foes in the party said they had ousted him as leader, the latest twist in the nation’s troubled decade of independence.

At least 30 people were killed in the clashes in White Nile State that borders Sudan, Machar’s military spokesman said in a statement, claims that could not be immediately confirmed.

Armed forces led by a rival general in the party, Simon Gatwech Dual, launched an attack on Machar’s men, who had “repulsed the aggressors”, SPLA-IO spokesperson, Colonel Lam Paul Gabriel, said.

Machar’s SPLA-IO forces killed two major-generals and over 27 “enemy” soldiers, Col Gabriel said, adding they lost three men.

There was no immediate response to requests for comment from his side, but his deputy spokesman Chuol Deng told South Sudanese station Radio Tamazuj that Machar’s forces had instigated the attack.

“We have captured some vehicles from the attackers. We have so far lost one soldier and two others sustained injuries,” Deng said.

Many casualties
In a statement, however, Col Gabriel said Gen Dual’s “anti-peace” forces moved out of their trenches in Magenis at about 6.30am and launched aggressive attacks against them in Gezan.

“The SPLA-IO forces responded in self-defence and repulsed the aggressors back to Magenis, killing two major-generals and over 27 enemy soldiers,” he said.

He added that the SPLA-IO destroyed equipment including one armored personnel carrier and a ZU-23 autocannon, and captured one Ural mounted with a ZU-23 and more than 20 AK 47 rifles.

He said Gen Dual’s forces destroyed one 107mm rocket launcher while one T55 tank developed a mechanical problem.

“Three freedom fighters were killed in action while 13 others sustained gunshot wounds,” Col Gabriel said.

He added: “The SPLA-IO is aware that Gen Dual and Lt Gen Johnson Ulony were evacuated to Sudan. The SPLA-IO leadership requests the Sudan government to maintain its neutrality by keeping the two in Sudan and not allowing them to come back and cause more insecurity in the area.”

He also asked forces left the SPLA-IO to return to it, under Machar’s leadership.

Peace deal at risk
Tensions boiled over this week in the SPLA-IO after Machar’s rivals declared they had deposed him as party chairman and commander-in-chief â€" a move his allies dismissed as a “failed coup”, insisting he was still in full control of the party.

The fighting could put further pressure on an already fragile 2018 peace deal between Machar and his old foe, President Salva Kiir, that ended five years of brutal civil war in the world’s youngest country and led to an uneasy coalition government.

The VP himself this week accused “peace spoilers” of engineering his removal.

The 68-year-old, a wily leader who survived years of bush warfare, attempts on his life and stretches in exile, served as vice president alongside Kiir in the first government post-independence from Sudan in 2011.

But the pair fell out and Machar was sacked two years later. Troops loyal to each man turned their guns on each other, and South Sudan descended into five years of civil war.

]]>Considering University education for your child, here is why MUBS â€" Jinja should be your priority Mon, 09 Aug 2021 06:16:40 +0000 the years, having one’s child attain a university certificate from Makerere University has been every parent’s dream.

Special respect has generally reserved for both graduates from the prestigious academic institution in the near and distant past, and their parents who particularly made the milestone possible. Even as a number of other universities keep sprouting up, some conservatives have maintained calling graduates from any university “those who went to Makerere.”

The above signifies the enviable recognition of the country’s oldest University and why it continues to be everyone’s dream to study from it.

Due to an upsurge in demand however, the university deemed it necessary to move it’s business faculty to Nakawa, in what has since turned into a flagship business education-Makerere University Business School [MUBS].

Transforming itself as the main university specifically offering Business related qualifications in the country, yearly admissions outstripped their capacity.

By mid 2000s, they resolved to open up up country campuses in what Ms Mukyaala Veronica- the Jinja Campus Director says was a move to take university education nearer to the people.

Campuses were established in Jinja, Mbale, Mbarara and Arua.These have over the years seen over 10,000 students graduate with certificates, Diplomas, Bachellors and Masters degrees.

For the Jinja campus in particular, the strategic location of the Institution at the heart of not only Jinja City but also Busoga region makes it a temptation almost inescapable.

In existence since 2006, MUBS _ Jinja has drastically changed the way people in the East look at education. Previously, parents and children alike had to get used to endure the hard-to-bear heartaches of the complexities of Kampala just so that they achieve university education.

The dangerous traffic, the high cost of living, the some times unmatched fees, the volatile political climate in the city and the beaming don’testion.

But with the existence of MUBs Jinja Campus, gone are the days when one had to always harbour such worries.

Situated a little over 80km, east of Kampala City, Jinja, despite being one of the most organised cities, has perenually enjoyed the most peaceful political serenity. Unlike in Kampala and perhaps other towns where there have been occasional political strides in form of riots and demonstrations, for Jinja, this has always been an alien feeling.

Besides, the allure of the natural abundance the region capital is endowed with makes attending MUBS in Jinja even more attractive. Bordering the giant Lake Victoria on the whole of it’s southern side, and River Nile on the western, the overly enthusing sea breeze is a must feel one for residents. No wonder, the city currently remains one of the most visited by both local and foreign tourists.

The new Cable stayed Nile Bridge â€" the gate way to Jinja city is another exciting scenery as the city gates open for any new visitor. Then there is the famous source of the Nile, along with scores of modern accommodation facilities.

Both Nalubaale and Bujjagaali Hydro power Dams are also located in Jinja, while the Kingdom Headquaters in Bugembe are also an attraction for the lovers of culture.

For those who still would miss the buzzing life of the capital â€" Kampala, no reason to worry for within just 1 hours and a half, you are there while driving.

As if that is not enough, according to campus administrator Ms. Saunders Warda, students admitted to the campus enjoy a 30% reduction in fees as compared to their counterparts at the main campus in Kampala. This, Saunders says is intended to ensure all-inclusiveness.

As parents continue contemplating on the futures of their children, especially with results from last year’s Advanced Level exams expected any time from now, giving one of the most enticing MUBS’ regional campuses in Jinja could turn out to be a wise decision by far.

]]>Photos of former Police Chief Gen Kayihura making morning drills excite netizens Sun, 08 Aug 2021 18:41:04 +0000 Uganda Police Chief Gen Kale Kayihura has resurfaced.

Gen Kayihura who has been off the public scene for over three year was on Sunday morning seen making road work exercise in Katebe, Kashagama.

According to a statement issued today 8th August, 2021,Gen Kayihura said him together with his staff made a 16 Km road run in their beautiful, undulating Katebe to celebrate and honor the heroes of the Tokyo Olympics and the glory they have brought to Uganda.

“I thank them for fulfilling beyond my wildest dreams their pledge in Kapchorwa after I challenged them that one day, we must share the Olympics gold and other medals with the legendary Kenyan athletes across the border, it is sometime back but I’m sure they still remember. YOU DID IT COMRADES, YOU DID IT, “Gen Kayihura said.

Gen Kayihura was in March 2018 fired as Inspector General of Police (IGP) and he was consequently arrested and charged with aiding and abetting the kidnapping by commission, repatriating Rwandan exile and refugees and Ugandan citizens to Rwanda between 2012 and 2016.

He was also accused of failing to protect war material by issuing arms to unauthorised persons including Boda Boda 2010 members led by jailed Abdallah Kitatta between 2010 and 2018.

In May, 2021, the senior army officer said he had been deserted by his friends after he was charged with felonious offences in the General Court Martial.

Gen Kayihura made the statements at the requiem mass of his grandmother Ancila Bucyana at Rutare Catholic Church, in Kisoro District.

Local media from Kisoro District quoted Gen Kayihura reaffirming his position that he has never been a traitor and that he had never betrayed his family, his people and had never been treacherous to Uganda.

What netizens say:

John Ojiambo- “general and his workers.”

Apollo Polly- “This jog would have been much more admirable without guns surrounding him. He should demonstrate that Uganda is liberated than showing us how unsafe we are!!”

Arinaitwe Isaac- “I feel sorry for the comrade following in the boots! It can really be uncomfortable jogging in them.”

Nkurunzima Ronnie Jack Ronald- “Gen kk is,was and shall always be on my mind as a true definition of a patriot and states man, he loved the police and police was part of him.”

Nakamanyi Jacent- “This one is supposed to stop at Busega round about. How did he reach Kashagama again?”

Usman Bah Ssemakula- “Preparing to come back in action!!”

Mukasa Kyema Ronnie Boris- “Once a general is always a general.”

Ntungi Saphan Buherezo- “We are yeilding from Kayihura’s initiative.
He is the one who recruited sports men into the Uganda Police.Bravo KK.”

Daniel Dan- “Atleast he is a fit General not like those ones carrying Pots in their stomach.😂 Congratulations Gen. KK.ðŸ'ªðŸ¾â€


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