LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Biden Fauci have harmed US world

Let there be no mistake: President Joe Biden and his cohorts’ contempt for all things Donald Trump has cost us dearly. From the debacle in Afghanistan, to allowing thousands of illegal migrants into our country, to the COVID-19 virus spreading like a deadly cancer, his obsession with distancing his policies from Trump’s has been ruinous.

It was just reported that Biden even got Japan to send $9 billion to our sworn enemy Iran to stop that country from building a nuke â€" and he is now pleading with OPEC to lower gas prices after he cancelled the oil pipeline in our country. Biden has ignored his sworn duty to protect the American people and should be removed from office. 

The stench of death permeates the air in our world thanks to scientists like Dr. Anthony Fauci, who arrogantly believes that if we didn’t study and develop deadly viruses, someone else would. That contemptible reasoning has killed over a million and counting, while millions more have been made to suffer â€" all in the name of science.

This atrocity to humankind should not stand. All the world’s powers must unite to ban the studying and development of deadly viruses. Any country that violates that law should have severe consequences imposed.

Further, those scientists (like Fauci) who were instrumental in developing this deadly virus should be held accountable and prosecuted for murdering millions.

Those who think we can’t outlaw such a deadly practice should note that during World War I mustard gas was banned due to its disastrous effects on the human body.


Warrenville, S.C.

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